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Monthly lottery on PBS.RU

(!) From lottery № 5 we have returned to the old and already, becoming traditional, rules, on which the draws of lotteries № 1-:-3 had passed.

How we raffled the displays

At first the moderators of the network selected member-sites, on which pages PBS banners were located in top of pages. Then numbers accounts of these sites were brought in to the program - generator of random sample. After that the winners of this draw were determined.

The fifth monthly lottery among the PBS members was carried out on 1 September. That means that we had moved the date of lottery draw for ten days. The reason was the increase of state of the employees of our company SEMA.RU and by the moving in a new office. During the moving (which had occupied two weeks) there was no opportunity to carry out the lottery in conditions " of carrying suitcases ".

So, about the prize-winners of the PBS lottery № 5.
The main prize of the lottery № 5 - Colour TV had won site Online Library.
2 100 000 PBS displays were given to the draw. They were distributed as follows:

The first prize: 400к
The two second prizes: 300к
Three third prizes: 200к
Ten additional prizes: 50к
And the special prize: the prize of PBS SYMPATHY: 100k

We remind you, that the lottery is carried out only among those members, which PBS banners are located in the top part of page

Prize-winners of this draw

The Super prize - colour TV set.

The first prize - 400 000 displays of the network
Lyrics dot - the ultimate online lyrics archive

The second prizes - 300 000 displays of the network
Satire and humour of all formats

The third prizes - 200 000 displays the network
Russian Force - modern weapon
PC Digest - Weekly computer magazine

Additional prizes - up to 50 000 displays of the network
Russian Surf
Programmer's Library Search of drivers
Radioelectronics and radioamateur technology
beauty Competition of "Princess of month"
THE WORLD OF Culturism
The encyclopedia of Windows optimisation
Ulyanovsk in the INTERNET

Special prize
The prize of PBS SYMPATHY was received by the server the KINOAFISHA


The charge of displays on winners' accounts will be carried out till September the 7th . The following PBS lottery will be held on October the 1st.

Have Successful advertising campaign!
Administration of the Power Banner System

